Sunday, February 19, 2012


We all want a Healthy Happy Life. Unfortunately, not everything we do fits into both categories; and without taking a good hard look at what we need versus what we want, it may seem impossible to have both. It's not.

There are steps that we can take to regain our health and our happiness.

That process is what this blog is all about. We are all unique, though there are some defining similarities that run deep, so we each have to discover our personal 'best.' I want to invite you to take some good hard looks in the mirror, do some research, and help me explore your blueprint of health and happiness while I endeavor to map mine.

There are a few basic categories that are known to affect Health and Happiness: sleep, water, nutrition, exercise, relationships, and pursuits. I will touch on them all throughout this blog and in no specific order. Keep them in mind as you read to help organize your thoughts and insights.

*Each month I will pick a Healthy Happy subject on which to write an elaborate post.

*Each month I will also pick a Healthy Happy book to discuss.

Besides these two main posts I may have any number of smaller tidbits to share as the blog and research develop. Feel free to give me suggestions of areas that you are eager to explore.

May you be Healthy, Happy, Safe, and Live With Ease,
Mary Lyle Jeanes